Volunteer Projects
Opportunities at MedShare, IRC and other volunteer organizations around Atlanta.
Dinners Around the World
One night each month EISNA organizes a gathering at an international food restaurant. This is a time to relax, try new food, and enjoy the company of your fellow classmates and their friends!
Lunch and Learns
Lunch and Learn is a lunch time speaker series put on by EGHNA. Students are invited to bring their lunches with them and spend the hour learning about international nursing issues. Speakers include nursing professionals, nurse-researchers, global health experts, and nursing students, and public health students. Past topics have included HIV/AIDS and the role of nurses in the developing world, student and faculty maternal health research in Bangladesh, and student reports from the American Association of Public Health annual conference. Additionally, nursing students who receive EGHNA travel awards are asked to share reports from their field experiences at a Lunch and Learn.
Fundraising Projects
EGHNA has ongoing fundraisers throughout the academic year, raising money or supplies for both local and international organizations.