Jinbing Bai
Assistant Professor, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Emory University Member, Winship Cancer Institute
Dr. Bai is an Assistant Professor from School of Nursing and a member of Winship Cancer Institute, Emory University. His expertise includes treatment toxicities, patient-reported outcomes, and biological mechanisms of symptoms in pediatric oncology. He is one of the national Champions for the environmental health in pediatric cancer under the first cohort of Pediatric Oncology Clinician Education Supplement (POCES) training. Dr. Bai has intensive research experience in understanding the role of multilevel social determinants of health in children’s care outcomes, including neighborhood socioeconomic deprivation, ambient air quality, and green spaces. As a pediatric cancer researcher, Dr. Bai is very passionate to discover new knowledge and disseminate new evidences to promote children’s health.
Awards and Honors
2018 The Huffman Splane Emerging Nurse Scholar, Bloomberg School of Nursing, University of Toronto, Canada.
2018 Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS)/American Nurses Foundation (ANF) Scholar, awarded by the SNRS
2017 ONS/Congress Conference Scholarship, awarded by the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS)
2016 Selected trainee of the North American Pain School (NAPS), the first cohort
2016 The Young Investigator Award, awarded by the American Pain Society (APS)
2015 The Jean Guveyan Scholarship, awarded by the American Society of Pain Management Nursing (ASPMN)
2012–2015 Linda R. Cronenwett Endowed Doctoral Scholarship, awarded by the UNC Chapel Hill School of Nursing, NC
2011–2016 Caroline H. and Thomas S. Royster Fellowship, awarded by the Graduate School of UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

Areas of Expertise

1. Bai, J., Behera, M., & Bruner, D. W. (2018). The gut microbiome, symptoms and targeted interventions in children with cancer: a systematic review, Support Care in Cancer, 26(2), 427-439.
2. Bai, J., Brubaker, A., Meghani, S. H., Bruner, D. W., & Yeager, K. A. (2018). Spirituality and quality of life in Black patients with cancer pain, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 56(3), 390-397.
3. Kerry, M. J., Wang, R., & Bai, J. (2017). An item response theory analysis of the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale. Journal of Interprofessional Care, in press.
4. Bai, J., Swanson, K., Harper, F. W. K., Penner, L., & Santacroce, S. J. Parent Caring Response Scoring System (P-CaReSS) for children during cancer treatment−related port starts: its development and preliminary psychometric evaluation, Scandinavian Journal of Caring Science, in press.
5. Bai, J., Swanson, K., Harper, F. W. K., Penner, L., & Santacroce, S. J. (2017). Parent verbal and nonverbal caring behaviors and child distress during cancer treatment-related port starts: a time-window sequential analysis, Oncology Nursing Forum, 44(6), 675-687.
6. Bai, J., Swanson, K., & Santacroce, S. (2018). Observational coding systems of parent-child interactions during painful procedures: a systematic review, Pain Practice, 18(1), 130-145.
7. Song, L., Tyler, C., Clayton, M. F., Rodgiriguez-Rassi, E., Hill, L., Bai, J., & Bailey, D. E. (2017). Patient and family communication during consultation visits: the effects of a decision aid for treatment decision making for localized prostate cancer. Patient Education and Counseling, 100(2), 267-275.
8. Bai, J., Hsu, L., Tang, Y., & van Dijk, M. (2012). Validation of the COMFORT Behavior Scale and the FLACC Scale for pain assessment in Chinese children after cardiac surgery. Pain Management Nursing, 13(1), 18-26.

I was a teacher in Tianjin Medical University School of Nursing. I have taught Medical-Surgical Nursing, Nursing Research and Critical Care Nursing.

My research interests lie in the areas of child and family health care in oncology, especially in symptom assessment and management, patient-reported outcomes and biopsychosocial mechanisms underlying symptoms. I am well trained to study gut microbiome, microbiome-gut-brain axis, and analysis of microbiome dataset. My current research is supported by American Nurses Foundation, Southern Nursing Research Society, and Oncology Nursing Society. I am currently holding an NIH K99/R00 (1K99NR017897-01) to explore the the microbiome-gut-brain axis in psychoneurological symptoms in children with solid tumors.