Jill Hamilton
Jill B. Hamilton, PhD, MRPL, RN, FAAN is Professor (tenured) and Senior Faculty Fellow of SDOH & Health Disparities at the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Affiliate Professor at Candler School of Theology, and Affiliate Faculty in the Department of African American Studies at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Hamilton earned her BSN, MSN, and PhD in nursing from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a BS in Accounting from North Carolina Central University, postdoctoral training in the nursing care of older adults at the Oregon Health & Science University, and a Master’s in Religion and Public Life at the Candler School of Theology. She previously held faculty positions at Johns Hopkins University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she was a tenured Associate Professor. Dr. Hamilton’s research interests include social determinants of health, health disparities, and the mental health promoting strategies used among older African American their families in response to life-threatening illness. Dr. Hamilton is Leading Editor of a text with Springer Nature titled “Integrating s Social Determinants of Health Framework into Nursing Education” published in 2023. A second text on SDOH titled “Transforming Social Determinants to Promote Global Health: Achieving Health Equity through Lived Experiences” is scheduled for release November 2024. She is also published on topics related to culture, social support, religiosity, spirituality, and quality of life among African Americans with life-threatening illness. She has done original research on the effects of Storytelling that incorporates Black Sacred Music and scripture on psychological distress among older and younger African Americans. The findings from this research are published in Cancer Nursing, the Journal of Religion and Health, the Gerontologist, Qualitative Health Research, and Nursing Research. She was a Georgia Cancer Coalition Distinguished Cancer Scholar from 2003-2007 and a member of the 2014 Class of the UNC Thorp Faculty Engaged Scholars. Dr. Hamilton is currently a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN), a Fellow Academy of Diversity Leaders in Nursing (FADLN) and a Faculty Scholar of the Center for Spirituality, Theology & Health at Duke University. She was the recipient of the 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award from the School of Nursing at the University of North Carolina, the 2011 Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Publishing’s Division Award for Excellence in Writing Qualitative Research and the ONS 2023 Award for Excellence in Cancer Education. Dr. Hamilton’s work on religious songs was featured in the November 2012 Thanksgiving edition of Good Housekeeping magazine.

Areas of Expertise

*Hamilton, J. B. and Fluker, W. E. (2021). An exploration of suffering and spirituality among older African American cancer patients as guided by Howard Thurman’s theological perspective on spirituality. Journal of Religion & Health. Mar 8. doi: 10.1007/s10943-021-01215-8. Online ahead of print.
*+Hamilton, J. B., Best, N.C., Barney, T.A., Worthy, V. C., Phillips, N. R. (2021). Using spirituality to cope with COVID-19: the experiences of African American breast cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Education. doi:10.1007/s13187-021-01974-8
Hamilton, J. B. (2021). Storytelling: A Cultural Determinant of Health among African American Cancer Patients. Journal of Cancer Education. doi: 10.1007/s13187-021-01978-4.
Baptiste, D., Turner, S., Josiah, N., . . . Hamilton, J. (2021). Hidden Figures of Nursing: The Historical Contributions of Black Nurses and a narrative for those who are unnamed, undocumented, and underrepresented. Journal of Advanced Nursing. Feb 10. doi: 10.1111/jan.14791.
Koenig, H. G., Hamilton, J., Doolittle, B. (2021). Training to Conduct Research on Religion, Spirituality and Health: A Commentary. Journal of Religion and Health. [e-pub, Feb 2]. doi:10.1007/s10943-021-01193-x
Chandler, R., Guillaume, D., Parker, AG., Mack, A., Hamilton, J., Dorsey, J., & Hernandez, ND. (2021). The impact of COVID-19 among Black women: evaluating perspectives and sources of information. Ethnicity and Health. 26(1), 80-93. doi:10.1080/13557858.2020.1841120
*+Miller, T.N., Matthie, N., Best, N. C., Price, M. A. &Hamilton, J. B. (2020). Intergenerational Influences on faith-based strategies used in response to racial discrimination among young AfricanAmerican Adults. Journal of the National Medical Association. Apr;112(2):176-185
Hamilton, J. B.(2020). Religion and Spirituality in Healthcare: Distinguishing related and overlapping concepts. Cancer Nursing.Jul/Aug;43(4):338-339.
*+Hamilton, J.B.,Kweon, L., Brock, L., & Moore, A.D. (2020). The use of prayer during life-threatening illness: A connectedness to God, inner-self, and others. Journal of Religion and Health Aug;59(4):1687-1701.
Hamilton, J. B.(2020). Strategies to enhance validity in qualitative research among community-dwelling African Americans. Qualitative Health Research. Jan;30(2):196-204.
+Kurtz-Uveges,M., Hamilton, J.B., DePriest, K.,Boss, R., Hinds, P. S., & Nolan, M.T. (2019). The influence of parents’religion or spirituality on decision making for the critically ill child: An integrative review. Journal ofPalliative Medicine. [e-pub, August 2019].
Hamilton, J. B.(2019). Emotional suffering and the use of spirituality as a resource during cancer. Journal of Cancer Education. [e-pub, May 2019].
*+Galbraith-Gyan,K.V., Jenerette, C.M., Lechuga, J., Moore, A.D., Palmer, M.H., Hamilton, J.B. (2019). African American parents and daughters’ health beliefs toward HPV and HPV vaccineacceptance. PublicHealth Nursing, 36(2):134-143. doi: 10.1111/phn.12565.
*+Galbraith, K.V., Lechuga, J.,Jenerette, C.M., Moore, A.D., Palmer, M.H., Hamilton, J.B. (2019). African American parents’ and daughters’ HPV vaccine acceptance: An inquiry grounded in culture, Ethnicity & Health, 24(3), 323-340.
*+Hamilton, J.B.,Best, N. C., Wells, J.S., & Worthy, V.C. (2018). Making sense ofloss: Perspectives of African American family members who have experienced the death of a close family member. Palliative and Supportive Care, 16(6), 662-668.
*Sheppard, V.B., Walker, R., Phillips, W. Hudson, V. & Hamilton, J. (2018). Spirituality in African American breast cancer patients: Implications for clinical and psychosocial care. Journal of Religion & Health, 57(5), 1918-1930.
*+Stewart, J.M., Budhathoki, C., Thompson, K., Hamilton, J.B. (2017). Associations of HIV testing with Anxiety and stress within the African American church:implications for faith-based HIV testing and treatment. Journal of Mental Health,Religion & Culture. E-pub ahead of Print.
Hamilton, J.B.(2017). Cultural beliefs and cancer care: Are we doing everything we can? Cancer Nursing, 40(1), 84-85
*+Hamilton, J.B.,Stewart, J.M., Thompson, K., Alverez, C., Best, N.C. Amoah, K. & LaNey, I.C. (2017). Younger African American Adults’ Use of Religious Songs to Manage Stressful Life Events. Journal of Religion and Health, 56(1), 329-344.
*+Hamilton, J.B., Worthy, V. C., & Moore, A. D.,Best, N.C., Stewart, J. M. & Song, M.K. (2017). Messages of Hope: Helping family members to overcome fears and fatalistic attitudes toward cancer. Journal of Cancer Education. 32(1), 190-197.
Hamilton, J.B. (2017). Cultural beliefs and cancer care: Are we doing everything we can? Cancer Nursing, 40(1), 84-85.
Hamilton, J.B.,Stewart, J.M., Thompson, K., Alverez, C., Best, N.C. Amoah, K. & LaNey, I.C. (2017). Younger African American Adults’ Use of Religious Songs to Manage Stressful Life Events. Journal of Religion and Health, 56(1), 329-344.
Galbraith, K.V., Lechuga, J.,Jenerette, C.M., Moore, A.D., Palmer, M.H., Hamilton, J.B. (2016). Parental acceptance and uptake of the HPV vaccine among African Americans and Latinos in the United States: A Literature Review. Social Science and Medicine, 159, 116-126.
*Hamilton,J.B., Worthy, V.C., Kurtz, M., Cudjoe, J. & Johnstone, P.A. (2016).Using religious songs as an integrative and complementary therapy in the management of psychological symptoms among African American cancer survivors. Cancer Nursing, Feb 8. [Epub ahead ofprint].
*Hamilton, J.B., Worthy, V.C., & Moore, A. D., Best, N.C., Stewart, J. M. & Song, M.K. (2015). Messages of Hope: Helping family members to overcome fears and fatalistic attitudes toward cancer. Journal of Cancer Education. Aug 28. [E-pubahead of print].
*Hamilton,J.B., Best, N. C., Galbraith, K. V., Worthy, V. C., & Moore, A. D.(2015). Strategies African American cancer survivors use to overcome fears and fatalistic attitudes. Journal of Cancer Education, 30(4), 629-635.
*Finney, J. M., Hamilton, J.B., Hodges, E. A., Pierre-Louis, B J., Crandell, J.L., & Muss, H. (2015). African American cancer patients: Do cultural factors influence symptom distress? Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 3,294-300.
*Hamilton,J.B., Galbraith, K. V., Best, N. C., Worthy, V. C., & Moore, A. D.(2015). African American Cancer survivors' use of religious beliefs to positively influence the utilization of cancer care. Journal of Religion & Health, 54(5), 1856-69.
*Hamilton,J.B., Moore, A. D., Best, N. C., Alston, L., & Pierre-Louis, B. J.(2014). Associations of sociocultural factors to quality of life among older African American cancer survivors. Journal of the Black Nurses Association, 25(1), 7-14.
Spruill, A., Mayer, D. K., & Hamilton, J.B. (2013). Barriers in hospice use among African Americans with cancer. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 53(3), 136-144.
*Hamilton,J.B., Moore, A. D., Johnson, K. A., & Koenig, H. G. (2013). Reading the Bible for guidance, comfort, and strength during stressful life events. Nursing Research, 62(3), 176-183.
*Hamilton,J.B., Deal, A. M., Moore, A. D.,Best, N. C., Galbraith, K., & Muss, H. (2013).Psychosocial predictors of depressive symptoms among older African American cancer patients. Oncology Nursing Forum, 40(4), 394-402.
*Hamilton,J.B., Sandelowski, M., Moore, A. D., Agarwal, M., & Koenig, H. G.(2013). You need a song to bring you through: The use of religious songs to manage stressful life events. The Gerontologist, 53(1), 26-38.
*Moore, A. D., Hamilton, J.B., Knafl, G. J., Godley, P. A., Carpenter, W. R.,& Bensen, J. T., & Mishel, M. (2012). Patient satisfaction influenced by interpersonal treatment and communication for African American men: The North Carolina-Louisiana Prostate Cancer Project (PCaP). American Journal of Men’s Health, 6, 409-419.
Hamilton,J.B., Agarwal, M., Song, L.,Moore, A. D., & Best, N. (2012). Are interventions delivered to African American cancer patients culturally appropriate? A review of the literature. Cancer Nursing, 35(2), E12-E23.
*Song, L., Hamilton, J.B., & Moore, A. D. (2012). Patient-Heath Care Provider communication: Perspectives of African American cancer survivors. Health Psychology, 31(5), 539-47.
*Hamilton,J.B., Agarwal, M., Carter, J., & Crandell, J. L. (2011). Patterns of coping among older African American cancer survivors. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 41(1), 79-92.
*Agarwal, M., Hamilton, J.B., Crandell,J. L., & Moore, C. E. (2010). Coping strategies, quality of life, and closeness to family and friends of older African American head and neck cancerpatients. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 28, 526-538.
*Hamilton, J.B., Moore, C. E., Powe, B. D., Agarwal, M.,& Martin, P. P. (2010). Perceptions of social support among older African American cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Forum, 37, 480-489.
*Hamilton, J.B., Crandell, J. L., Carter, J. K., & Lynn,M. R. (2010). Reliability and validity of the perspectives of support from God scale. Nursing Research, 50, 102-109.
*Agarwal, M., Hamilton, J.B., Moore, C. E., & Crandell, J. L. (2010). Predictors of depression among older African American cancer patients. Cancer Nursing, 33, 156-163.
*Hamilton,J.B., Stewart, B. J., Crandell, J. L., & Lynn, M. R. (2009).Development of the ways of helping questionnaire: A measure of preferred coping strategies for older African American cancer survivors. Research in Nursing & Health, 32, 243-59.
*Hamilton, J.B.,Powe, B. D., Pollard, A. B. III., Lee,K. J., & Felton, A. M. (2007).Spirituality among African American cancer survivors: A personal relationship with God. Cancer Nursing, 30, 309-316.
*Hamilton, J.B., & Sandelowski, M. (2004). Types of social support in African American cancer patients. Oncology Nursing Forum, 31,792-800.
*Hamilton, J.B.,& Sandelowski, M. (2003). Living the golden rule: Reciprocal exchanges among African Americans with cancer. Qualitative Health Research, 13, 656-674.

