Beth Ann Swan
Dr. Beth Ann Swan is Professor, Clinical Track, Associate Dean for Education, PhD Program Director, the Charles P. and Peggy Evans Endowed Distinguished Professor in Simulation and Innovation at the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, and Co-Director of the Woodruff Health Sciences Center Interprofessional Education and Clinical Practice Office at Emory University. Dr. Swan is a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, past president of the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN), and a Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellow. She is nationally and internationally known for her research in health care and nursing. She was an early leader in exploring the impact of changing health care delivery models on outcomes of care. Throughout her career, Dr. Swan has been an advocate for engaging consumers in their health care, promoting quality care coordination and safe care transitions, and creating innovative evidence-based practices to improve care.
As the principal investigator on extramural funded grants, Dr. Swan has provided leadership and mentorship on ground-breaking projects impacting both nursing practice and interprofessional education. With her entrepreneurial mindset and belief in consumer-centered care and engagement, her latest research is focused on simulation and virtual reality space building an interprofessional collaborative education model that leverages virtual reality in support of achieving interprofessional and social determinants of health competencies during transitions of care, as well as examining feasibility, usability, and workload when engaging in artificial intelligence (AI) enabled simulation to address public health challenges. Dr. Swan is leading the Atlanta Region Community Health Workforce Advancement (ARCHWAy) Program, a HRSA funded project to expand the public health workforce by training new and existing community health workers.
Dr. Swan was a member of the Veterans Health Administration Choice Act Blue Ribbon Panel and was a member of the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation Planning Committee for Preparing Registered Nurses for New Roles in Primary Care. Her numerous publications cover a wide range of topics focused on primary and ambulatory care, innovations for education and practice, and health care policy. Dr. Swan developed the major contribution to care coordination and transition management, the national curriculum known as CCTM. She is the co-editor of Care Coordination and Transition Management Core Curriculum, 2nd Edition, co-edited the book Perspectives in Ambulatory Care Nursing, and co-edited the book Integrating a Social Determinants of Health Framework into Nursing Education. Dr. Swan is the author of the November 2012 Health Affairs' Narrative Matters Feature, A Nurse Learns Firsthand That You May Fend For Yourself After A Hospital Stay.

Areas of Expertise

Peer-Reviewed Publications:
Swan, B.A., Giordano, N., Febres-Cordero, S., Fugate, K., & Steiger, L. (accepted for publication). Integrating artificial intelligence technology into simulation. Nursing Education Perspectives.
Swan, B.A., Jones, K., Hayes, R., Kaligotla, L., McDermott, C., Rodriguez, J., & McCauley, L. (2024). Reject the “Practice readiness” myth: Ask if systems are ready for nursing graduates instead. Nursing Outlook, 72(5).
Giordano, N., Phan, Q., Kimble, L. … Swan, B.A. (2024). A framework to grow, bolster, and diversify the nursing and public health workforce. Journal of Professional Nursing, 53, 25-34.
Joseph, L., Williams, M., Reinke, K., Bair, H., Chae, S., Hanrahan, K., St. Marie, B., Jenkins, P., Albert, N., Gullatte, M., Rogers, D., Swan, B.A., Holden, T., Woods, E., DeGuzman, P., DeGennaro, G., Marshall, D., Hein, M., & Perkhounkova, Y. (2024). Relational and structural components of innovativeness across academia and practice for healthcare progress scale (IA-APHPS). Journal of Nursing Administration, 54(5), 260-269.
Guest, J., Swan, B.A., & Bagett, R. (2024). IPEC core competencies in action: Developing Emory’s IPE-ACTS program through collaborative interprofessional teamwork. Intersections: The Education Journal of the Woodruff Health Sciences Center.
Swan, B.A., Gibbons, W., & Kaligotla, L. (2024). Giving life to learning through rural maternal health immersion experiences. Nurse Educator,49(3), 167-170.
Swan, B.A. & Giordano, N. (2023). Addressing nursing students’ understanding of health equity and social determinants of health: An innovative teaching-learning strategy. Nursing Education Perspectives, 44(5), 318-320.
Swan, B.A. & Giordano, N. (2023). A cross-sectional analysis of a novel virtual reality tool for hotspotting. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 80, 31-34.
Regis, K., Phan, Q., Cadoret, A., Parker, N., & Swan, B.A. (2023). Gaining insight into member demographics and perceptions of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in a professional organization. Nursing Economic$, 41(2), 96-103.
Phan, Q., Geller, D., Broughton, A., Swan, B.A., & Wells, J. (2023). Evaluating a low-cost disaster preparedness simulation for prelicensure nursing students. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 17(e343).
Giordano, N., Swan B.A., Johnson, T., Cimiotti, J., Muirhead, L., Wallace, M. & Mascaro, J. (2023). Scalable and sustainable approaches to address the wellbeing of healthcare personnel. Journal of Advanced Nursing,79(2), e12-e15.



2024, Best Article, Innovation Center, Nursing Education Perspectives, National League for Nursing
2019, First Place Award for Outstanding Poster Presentation Faculty Development Conference, American Association of Colleges of Nursing
2018, TEDMED Research Scholar2017, President’s Above and Beyond Award, American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing
2016, Chairman’s Excellence Award, Board of Trustees, Thomas Jefferson University
2015, Distinguished Fellowship, National Academies of Practice & Distinguished Scholar and Fellow, Nursing Academy