Alisha Bhimani
Alisha Bhimani, DNP, FNP-C, ENP is an emergency medicine nurse practitioner with an interest in emergency response and capacity building in limited resource countries. She is a three-time alum of Emory University who is currently working on advancing her clinical training and focusing on refugee care. She has served for multiple years at the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) on projects to build and implement globally innovative approaches to teaching health communication in order to promote patient safety in the remote Gorno-Badakshan regions of Tajikistan. She is currently on faculty at Emory University School of Nursing, is a part of the 2022 cohort for Environmental Health Research Institute for Nurse and Clinician Scientists (EHRI-NCS) and was recently selected as a Woodruff Health Educators Academy Fellow for 2022-23 with the Woodruff Health Sciences Center at Emory University.
Dr. Bhimani's professional goals are to continue to partner with global healthcare institutions to further advance locally-specific medical training with three goals in mind; improving the immediate quality of patient care, linking interdisciplinary clinicians with global evidence to guide their care while fostering clear team communication and care transitions essential for safety.
She continues to represent Emory University in the nation and abroad as a recipient of multiple scholarships and funds from Nurse Education Funds, inc. and other international organizations. She serves on the Network for Evaluation and Implementation Sciences at Emory (NEISE) and works as a yoga teacher at Highland Yoga.

Areas of Expertise

Bhimani, A., &Frenkel, T. S. (2022). Ruling Out a Myocardial Infarction Safely in 30 Minutes:Implications for APRN Practice. Advanced emergency nursing journal, 44(3),169–177.

